As some may know, my 3rd son has been diagnosed with an extremely rare form of leukemia. As a conscious momma, the treatments and methods used to cure #childhoodcancer - does not align with what I believe in. This has been a huge paradigm shift for us. His disease is technically a Myelodysplastic syndrome and it is not something I can cure on my own, it’s a disorder and something his body is not doing correctly and he needs a bone marrow transplant. Unfortunately, I am unable to decline therapies for my son. It is not an option. That being said, there is something I can do. Complimentary to his current therapies. I can continue to feed him well, use natural supplements, alternative therapies (reiki, accupuncture, chiropractic, herbs, etc.) My family is facing a difficult time but we will beat this. My son won’t only be cured and best cancer, HE WILL THRIVE. If anyone is willing and able to offer any method of support (ANY AT ALL) Please reach out. Thank you 🙏🏻♥️
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