Flouride is a neurotoxin. I do not use it, nor do I use it for my children! There are many ways to give your teeth the minerals and nutrients they need to stay healthy without side effects and dangers of flouride!
I’ve attached some information as well as informational links on the dangers of flouride. I hope this helps guide you in making a solid choice for your teeth health!
DIET is everything. Sugar avoidance, and regular brushing along with flossing is also super important on top of using teeth products hat will help keep your teeth in tip top shape! Keeping your mouth alkaline balanced is also very important!
Article and Info:
Now that I’ve shared info on flouride and it’s dangers, let’s talk about how to keep your teeth healthy!
Our teeth NEED these! So do our bodies! This product is backed by tons of research! I’ve used it for many years! It also adds hydration and electrolytes! I use it in my drinks as well as my kiddos! It’s easy to add a few drops a day to be sure we’re hydrated, balanced with minerals we need PLUS it’s great for teeth health!
Find it here: Trace Minerals
Minerals for teeth are so important. Also, as I mentioned- this keeps your mouth at a good alkaline! It is also plant based! This kit is amazing! It comes with three different products at a great price! My entire family uses them all daily, and we love them! The tooth powder is used in place of regular toothpaste, and then we follow with the mouthwash. After we are done with those we mix a few drops of the remineralization drops and swish again to coat the teeth with minerals to soak in and benefit from them while we sleep!
Find it here: Uncle Harry’s
I have used BOTH of these products for years! My children, husband and I all take them DAILY! On top of teeth health, there are other benefits of BOTH! I highly recommend them both and hope you can benefit from them too!
If you have questions feel free to email me, message me or contact me on instagram!